Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Last week Jonathan was teasing me that it would be nice if we had a Father's day baby. I have a lot of people telling me that there is no way this baby is going to make its due date. I just tell them that it will come when it is suppose to come and we will see when that is.

Well Sunday night I started having Braxton Hicks contractions but didn't think much of it as I have been having them on and off for the last couple weeks. I was able to sleep a bit but then they started getting harder and closer together to the point that I was not able to sleep. Finally at 4:30 I woke Jonathan up and he started timing them they were coming about every four minutes and lasting almost a minute a piece. From then till about 7pm they kept coming about every 2-5 minutes and lasting 30-60+ seconds. Then they started coming about every minute and lasting for a minute. Jonathan thought we should probably head to the hospital but I really didn't want to go and then get turned away so I told him to let me sleep a bit if I could and then we would go. Well the contraction slowed through the night and then by morning had stopped. Thankfully my water hadn't broken and so we will just wait and see how much longer the baby waits. I want the baby to be health and am hoping to avoid having the little one spend time in the NICU so I am happy that they can get a little bigger before joining the outside world.

Tuesday I had an appointment with my Doctor. He told us that this is not a normal text book pregnancy and I may be requiring the help of a specialist. My numbers are not making sense. I am measuring 41 weeks but am only at 35 weeks. The baby likes to be transverse or breech, but yet is putting so much pressure on my tail bone. Also the baby's heart beat is doing some interesting things, the doctor said it sound health just not normal. We are doing more test to try and hopefully get some answers. The test that have come back so far have ruled out many common problems. It doesn't look like diabetes or preclampsia so that is good. Hoping for some answers but trusting that God knows what is best. I have my own guess as to what is going on and when I asked the doctor he told me that he has been wondering the same thing. It my guess is right we will know this Friday. But I was realizing this morning that really it should not come as a surprise that I am a medical anomaly once again as it seems that I have been one my whole life.

Also I heard from my dad and he is back from Belize. The family that was attacked is doing better still not 100% but it looks like they are going to make it. Praise God.

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