Wednesday, May 16, 2012


  • "S" aged out of foster care and left.
  • Jonathan was offered a new job.
  • He accepted the new job and so began packing.
  • We move up to Canada at the end of April.
  • Once I found out where we were moving I started looking for a midwife.
  • Found out that they were all full most through December 2012.
  • Started looking for a Doctor and so far no one is taking anyone with July due dates.
  • I was advised to just go to the ER went I go into labor, not what I wanted to hear so I am still trying to find a Doctor. Pray that God will work a miracle and someone will be willing to take me as a patient. Interesting that it was easier to get medical care in a town of 500 then in a city of 85,000.
  • Baby is at 30 weeks and really likes to move around. 
  • I pray that God will continue to guide and direct us on our journey of life.


  1. hmmm.. you can see why Steve opted NOT to work in the medical field in Canada!! Hope you find someone to help with the birth. We've heard that ladies come here to have their babies. Where did you move?
