Tuesday, February 7, 2012


We have been staying quite busy with our latest foster placement. We have to be constantly reminding ourselves that we have to teach basic life skills before we expect him to do them. For example it was getting on my nerves when he was spitting on the ground towards people as we were going for a walk yesterday. Jonathan had to remind me that he may not understand that it is rude to do.

Also, it seems impossible to get this guy to understand the concept of time and being on time to things. He thinks that it is crazy that we want to know where he is and when he will be back. From what we have gathered his previous FP allowed him quite a bit of freedom to do exactly as he pleased and he had not had practice at being accountable for where he is and what he is doing. I am sure that this has contributed to some of the trouble that he has gotten himself into.

When he first moved in with us we make it quite clear that we need to know where he is, who he is with (if it is not a structured activity), and when he will be back. He doesn't seem to respect us on this and has taken off without telling us where he is going and when he will be back. Like today, I dropped him off for an appointment on my way to work and told him that his IL would be picking him up. When she got there to pick him up he wasn't there. I get a frantic call from Jonathan asking if I still have him, which I didn't. They did find him. But to me it seem very reasonable for him to call if things change and let someone know what is going on. Are we expecting to much? He is 17 and will be transitioning into an independent living situation in about 3 months. Any ideas of how to help him understand why this is important and get his to take some initiative.

There are so many things that this guy need to learn, but this one is the one that is bothering me the most. I was taught to ask for permission not tell what I was going to do. And I think that at least letting us know what he is up to is a reasonable request.

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