- She is quite the smiler.
- She likes to try to "talk" to people.
- She loves looking around at people and has a fascination with lights.
- She likes to scoot herself around pushing her feet against things.
- She can rollover.
- She has good head control.
- She is sleeping 4-6 hour stretches most nights.
- She can hold her head up and look around when on her tummy.
- She is wearing 3-6 month cloths, but the 3 month ones are getting small.
- She loves water the more the better.
At her six week check-up the doctor commented about how strong she is and told me to really watch her as she is hitting her developmental milestones early so she is at a higher risk of injury. She is weighing 10 lbs. 12 oz. and is 58 cm long.